What is 3D Laser Scanning?

What is 3D Scanning?

In the dynamic landscape of modern manufacturing, precision is paramount. Enter 3D scanning – a transformative technology reshaping the way industries approach quality control, reverse engineering, and dimensional inspection. At its core, industrial 3D scanning utilizes advanced data capture techniques to produce detailed, three-dimensional representations of physical objects with unprecedented accuracy. But what exactly is industrial 3D scanning for, and how is it revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape?

Hexagon AS1 Laser Scanner
Hexagon Portable AS1 Laser Scanner

In manufacturing, ensuring product quality is non-negotiable. Industrial 3D scanning plays a pivotal role in this endeavor by providing manufacturers with the means to meticulously inspect entire components and assemblies for defects, deviations, and inconsistencies. From intricate aerospace parts to automotive components, 3D scanning offers a comprehensive solution for identifying imperfections early in the production process, minimizing waste, and optimizing product performance.

Scan to CAD Deviation Map of Engine Nozzle

Precision is the hallmark of quality, and dimensional accuracy is a critical aspect of manufacturing excellence. Industrial 3D scanning provides manufacturers with a reliable method for verifying the dimensional integrity of components and assemblies, ensuring they meet tight tolerances and specifications. By comparing scanned data to CAD models or reference standards, manufacturers can confidently validate the accuracy of their products, safeguarding against costly errors and rework.

SPC Charts & Dimesional Results in PolyWorks Software

The ability to replicate and improve upon existing designs is a cornerstone of innovation. Industrial 3D scanning facilitates this process by capturing the exact geometry of physical objects, allowing engineers to create digital models that can be modified, optimized, or reproduced as needed. Whether it’s redesigning legacy components or enhancing product functionality, 3D scanning enables manufacturers to unleash their creativity and drive continuous improvement.

Scan to Geometric CAD Models using Geomagic Design X Software

In conclusion, industrial 3D scanning is a versatile and indispensable tool that empowers manufacturers to achieve new levels of precision, efficiency, and innovation. Whether it’s enhancing product quality, accelerating design iterations, or ensuring dimensional accuracy, 3D scanning is reshaping the manufacturing landscape and driving advancements across industries. As technology continues to evolve, the potential of industrial 3D scanning to unlock new possibilities and propel us towards a future of manufacturing excellence is boundless.

What is Industrial CT Scanning?


Industrial CT scanning systems have revolutionized the way we inspect and analyze objects in a wide range of industries, from aerospace to automotive and beyond. At the heart of these systems lies a remarkable technology that enables us to peer inside solid objects with unprecedented clarity and detail. So, how exactly do industrial CT scanning systems work?

Industrial CT Scanning Cabinet


At its core, industrial CT scanning operates on principles similar to medical CT scans but tailored for industrial applications. The process begins with the object of interest being placed on a rotating platform within the CT scanner. Next, a powerful X-ray source emits radiation, which penetrates the object as it rotates. The radiation that passes through the object is captured by a detector on the other side. This interaction results in a series of 2D X-ray images, or “slices,” which collectively provide a comprehensive view of the object’s internal structure.

1. X-Ray Source,    2. Part Manipulator,    3. X-Ray Detector

Industrial CT Scanning Components


But here’s where the magic truly happens: sophisticated software algorithms reconstruct these individual slices into a 3D model, akin to assembling a virtual puzzle. This 3D model reveals intricate details such as internal features, defects, and material density variations that are crucial for quality control, defect analysis, and product optimization.

1. Thousands of X-Ray Images,    2. Building 3D File from 2D Images,    3. Analyzing 3D File using Volume Graphics Software

Reconstructing a Geode Scan


What sets industrial CT scanning apart is its ability to examine objects with complex geometries, varying materials, and internal structures that are otherwise inaccessible to traditional inspection methods. From intricate aerospace components to dense automotive parts, industrial CT scanning offers a non-destructive and highly accurate means of evaluation, saving both time and resources while ensuring product integrity.

3D Evaluation of Bellows Weld

Moreover, as technology advances, so do the capabilities of industrial CT scanning systems. With advancements in X-ray sources, detectors, and computational algorithms, these systems can now achieve higher resolution, faster scan times, and enhanced image quality, further expanding their utility across industries.

Investing Leaks in Tubes

In conclusion, industrial CT scanning systems represent a groundbreaking advancement in inspection and analysis technologies. By harnessing the power of X-rays and sophisticated software, these systems enable us to see beyond the surface and delve into the inner workings of objects, paving the way for safer, more efficient, and higher-quality products across diverse industries.

Industrial CT Scanning Battery Cells

Industrial CT Scanning Battery Cells

In the race towards a sustainable future, battery technologies have emerged as frontrunners, promising cleaner, greener transportation. Central to this revolution are lithium-ion battery cells, the lifeblood of many electronics. Ensuring the safety and reliability of battery cells is paramount, presenting a unique challenge for manufacturers. Enter CT scanning, a game-changing technology offering unprecedented insights into battery cell integrity.

Traditional inspection methods often fall short when it comes to assessing the intricate internal structure of battery cells. However, CT scanning changes the game by providing a non-destructive and highly detailed examination of each cell. With its ability to penetrate solid materials and generate 3D images of internal features, CT scanning offers a comprehensive view of battery cell health.


When it comes to ensuring the safety and reliability of battery cells, detecting defects is paramount, and CT scanning offers an unparalleled solution. By leveraging its capability to penetrate solid materials and produce detailed 3D images of internal structures, CT scanning enables manufacturers to meticulously inspect battery cells for defects such as delamination, voids, cracks, or foreign particles. This non-destructive technique allows for early detection of potential issues, ensuring that only cells meeting stringent quality standards are integrated into electric vehicles or energy storage systems. Ultimately, CT scanning plays a pivotal role in safeguarding product quality, enhancing safety, and advancing the development of clean energy technologies.


CT scanning has emerged as a transformative tool for sorting battery cells with unparalleled precision and efficiency. By harnessing its ability to generate detailed 3D images of internal structures, manufacturers can swiftly identify and categorize battery cells based on various parameters such as size, shape, and internal defects. This level of precision not only streamlines the sorting process but also ensures that each battery cell meets stringent quality standards before integration into electric vehicles or energy storage systems. Ultimately, CT scanning enables manufacturers to optimize production workflows, enhance product quality, and uphold safety standards, thereby driving advancements in clean energy technologies.

Volumetric Porosity & Cracks in PCB Housing


This LED housing has failed. It was sent to us to try to locate the point of failure, which is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. The point of failure is seen in one of the two images below. Can you spot it before moving to the next section of the post?

point of failure

While porosity calculations are interesting, typically an individual joint has a 20% porosity tolerance which can usually be gauged visually. Porosity is not the failure of this part.

If you look near the yellow arrow you’ll see a vertical, linear indication or fracture in the component. During evaluation the inspector uses multiple viewing directions for each component to find such small points of failure. If this crack were perpendicular to the viewing direction it likely would not have been found.

Liquid Dye Penetrant Inspection of Aerospace Nuts

Liquid Dye Penetrant Inspection of Aerospace Nuts

Penetrant testing (PT) is one of the oldest methods used in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT). An early form of PT called the ‘oil and whiting’ method was used by ironworkers whereby oil was used to seep into the cracks of railway tracks with capillary action and then chalk powder was applied to absorb the oil from the cracks and make them visible.

Nowadays a coloring agent is added to the oil to make it more discernible and we have industry standards which regulate materials and testing requirements, but the physics involved in the process remain largely the same.

PT is a surface inspection. Meaning that it can be used to find defects which break open to the surface such as hairline cracks and pinholes. There are two types of penetrant testing, visible and fluorescent. Fluorescent is more sensitive but requires a black light and darkened lighting for evaluation. Visible on the other hand is versatile and often employed in the field. ASTM 1417 requires all aerospace products to be inspected with fluorescent so that is what we shall use for this case study because our nuts are aerospace grade.

Now that's what I call a handful of nuts!
Now that's what I call a handful of nuts!

First, the parts are cleaned to prevent contamination and false results. Then penetrating oil needs to be applied to the surface of the part. This can be done by dipping, spraying, or brushing. Once the penetrant is applied, it must be allowed to dwell for a specified amount of time so that the oil can seep into surface cavities.

Nuts Dwelling After Being Dipped in Penetrant

After the parts dwell for the required amount of time the excess penetrant needs to be washed away from the surface. This is done using a coarse nozzle spray at a given distance with specific water temperature and pressure allowances. We are able to monitor all of this using calibrated gauges.

A Tank Filled with Fluorescent Penetrant for Dipping Parts
NDT PT Coarse Spray Nozzle

Once the excess penetrant is removed. The parts go into a dryer. After the part is dry a developer is applied. In this case a dry powder developer is used to coat the surface. Developers take advantage of a phenomenon called blotting action, where the leftover penetrant still inside of a cavity is pulled out onto the surface forming a visible indication.


Drying Off Our Nuts!
Powdered Nuts!


Once the developer has had sufficient time to dwell, the parts are ready for inspection. Fluorescent penetrant must be interpreted with a black light under darkened lighting.



Each part is carefully examined by a certified inspector. This individual has documented training and certifications. They are able to discern the difference between relevant, non-relevant, and false indications.

The Nuts Under Industrial UV Lighting
This nut is cracked.
This nut is showing a non-relevant indication caused by gunk built up on the surface. It must be cleaned more thoroughly and reprocessed.

After the parts have all been inspected, a report is made. Rejected pieces are tagged and separated from the lot. The customer is notified of the findings, given a copy of the report, and the parts are returned.

Industrial CT Scanning of Spark Plugs


When precision and safety are paramount, the significance of CT scanning for spark plugs cannot be overstated. These small yet vital components play a crucial role in the functioning of aircraft engines, making their integrity and reliability essential. CT scanning offers a non-destructive method to scrutinize these intricate parts, providing engineers with detailed insights into their internal structure and potential defects. By meticulously examining spark plugs through CT scanning, aerospace professionals can identify any anomalies early on, ensuring optimal performance and safety of aircraft engines. Thus, integrating CT scanning into aerospace spark plug inspection protocols not only enhances reliability but also reinforces the commitment to air travel safety.

The below image is a focus scan with improved resolution allowing us to characterize fine details like voids and gaps in the insulation and cracks in aluminum oxide.