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Scanning & Reverse Engineering Firearm Components


High resolution scan data acquired by our laser and CT systems is used to reverse engineer firearm components. This data can be used to modify existing hardware or build new components around historical or existing hardware.

Below is a magazine that was scanned with a 9mm round. The steps include:

  • Laser scan the components
  • Model the components in Geomagic relative to the laser scan
  • Compare the produced model back to the scan file to ensure accuracy


Many gun components are small and intricate. Some scanning devices may not have the resolution or ability to capture all the necessary geometry for an accurate model. CT scanning allows us to acquire surfaces like slots and assemblies without completely disassembling them. While mixed-material assemblies can be problematic (steel against plastic), there is typically a way to stage the part to get useful data.

This trigger assembly is plastic with metal springs and pins.